About Us

An excellent Dental centers all with the newest discovery equipment, performing the latest procedures and are top-performing specialists with the best reputation. These renowned centers model an excellent clinical practice and dedicated patient care facility that values care to the extreme.

This first specialized oral implant clinic in the Gulf is a unique resource that has been created for this purpose. This center is patient-focused on dental implantology care and the it’s organization stresses the benefits and outcomes of implants for improving quality of life, restoring self-confidence, and bringing back an attractive smiles

Who we are & What we do

A specialized center for Identification of your dental Implant with a standardized maintenance protocol.

Since 1965, human beings have started been treated with dental implants successfully. This high success rate resulted in over a hundred types of implants production in the world which needs service and maintenance.

Each implant-manufacturer and design has certain characteristics that is different from the other one. As a dentist, we are faced with hundreds of patients whose implants require periodic maintenance and repair.

Generally dentists are not exposed to more than 1-3 systems in their professional carrier and are not expected to know all the systems in the world. That’s why a specialized center to be able to service all systems often arises.

In 2002, the Oral Implantology Medical Center (OIMC) was established to help all expatiates who can’t go back to their doctor, due to change of residency , patients with no access due to retirement of their dentist ..etc to confidently go to a specialized center where all implant systems could be serviced and yearly maintained.

Our Pledge

We will:

Conduct ourselves at all times with the honesty, integrity and skills associated with professionalism.

Stand behind our work and honor all guarantees and warranties associated with the services we provide and the products/materials we use.

Recommend and perform only those services we deem to be in the best interests of our patients.

Continuously update our knowledge to effectively meet the demands of new Dentistry technologies.

Continuously upgrade our armamentarium and equipment to meet the demands of today's sophisticated dentistry practice.

Provide our patients with fair value for services rendered.

Evaluate and consult about all patients who have completed treatment in our facility within a week’s time with Quality Control Process in the presence of the entire staff team.


Oral Implantology Medical Center is opened in Deira Dubai on Nov 15, 2002. We were the first specialized oral implantology clinic in the Gulf. The center has all dental specialties with 22+ Staffs including 7 Dentists.

OIMC Highlights

Know about the key features of the OIMC.

We are the Pioneers

Oral Implantology Medical Center opened in Deira Dubai on Nov 15 2002. We were the first specialized oral implantology clinic in the gulf.

Team with Experience

The center has all dental specialties with 22+ staff including 7 dentists. Its facilities include a sterile operating theater, digital impression, laser therapy and microscopic endodontics.


The center has a dedicated scrub nurse and changing rooms for patients and doctors.This specialized clinic deals with all specialties to digitally document each case and take accurate statistics.


Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.
The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives

Dr. Souheil Hussaini

Founder/Medical Director

Dr. Maryam Joharishirazi

CEO - OIMC Group

Dr. Malika Kumar


Dr. Navid Beizai

General Dentist

Dr. Priyanka Somani

Specialist Prosthodontics

Dr. Grieg Hu


Dr. Asha Ponnappa

Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Sherif Abo El Ezz

Dr. Nidal Shanwar

Dr. Nidal Shanwar

General Dentist

Dr. Fardin Adhikari

Dr. Kelvin Ian

Dr. Kelvin Ian

Consultant Prosthodontist

Dr. Ahmed Eldawi

(Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon)


This Section contains press releases, professional journals, scientific publications, & regular news updates.

  • Press Release
  • Professinal Press Release
  • News

Graduation of ID-SC Implant Course Batch of 2023-24

On 8th of December 2024, ID-SC team celebrated the graduation of Batch of 2023-24 at Madinat Jumeriah Hotel Dubai. The event was conducted in the presence of an esteemed ICOI representative from Greece, Dr. Konstantinos Valavanis, and a distinguished professor from the University of Toronto, Prof. Jim Yuan Lai along with the Medical Director of OIMC Group Prof. Souheil Hussaini and the CEO of OIMC Group Dr. Maryam Joharishirazi.

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Please find our timing and holidays before fixing the appoinments.

Working Hours

  • Saturday : 9:00AM To 09:00PM
  • Sunday : We are Closed
  • Monday : 09:00AM to 09:00PM
  • Tuesday : 09:00AM to 09:00PM
  • Wednesday : 09:00AM to 09:00PM
  • Thursday : 10:30AM to 05:30PM
  • Friday : 09:00AM to 08:00PM


Feel free to contact us for any queries regarding appoinments & general consultations.

Our Address

Unit #204, 2nd Floor
Port Saeed Road, Al Wahda Building
Opposite day to day, Deira, Dubai , U.A.E

Email Us


Call Us

04 295 6595
+971 55 456 8100